Block Senate Bill 156

Polis wants an unlimited budget for Planned Parenthood!

And he wants THE TAXPAYERS of Colorado to foot the bill.

SB20-156 is designed as a workaround to the Colorado Constitution to force taxpayers to fully fund the activities of Planned Parenthood - INCLUDING ABORTIONS!

Thanks to his loyal minions in the Senate, SB20-156 passed in committee and could be rammed through the legislature UNLESS Colorado citizens can block it.

Join with thousands of Coloradans today by adding your name!

TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition to block Senate Bill 156!

Don't Delay!

Sign today.

Action. Together.

When you sign a petition online with The Colorado Freedom Force, it will be converted into a physical petition and delivered to the Colorado Capitol on your behalf.

Once you’ve signed, please copy the petition link and share it on your social media.

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