Oppose the 2020 Triad of Drug Bills

Taxpayer Funded Drug-Enabling Policies DO. NOT. WORK.

Cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco & Seattle are proof these policies only LEAD TO MORE homelessness, drug addiction and deterioration of communities.

It all comes at the expense of the taxpayers.

⛔ No Supervised Injection Sites

⛔ No "Free" Drug Needles

⛔ No More Political Lies

Don't let Colorado Politicians Ruin Our State!

TAKE ACTION: Help Block SB-007, SB-028 & HB-1065!

Don't Delay!

Sign today.

Action. Together.

When you sign a petition online with The Colorado Freedom Force, it will be converted into a physical petition and delivered to the Colorado Capitol on your behalf.

Once you’ve signed, please copy the petition link and share it on your social media.

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