Limit Polis' Emergency Powers

In 2018, Rep. Hugh McKean and Sen. John Cooke were prime sponsors on HB18-1394, which passed and became law.

This bill gave virtually unrestricted powers to the Governor of Colorado during times of emergency.

Jared Polis is now using those EMERGENCY POWERS to destroy Colorado!

Bills for the 2021 Legislative Session are due by January 1st, and these two still have a chance to FIX THEIR MISTAKE!

So let’s flood their mailboxes with citizen petitions and let them know we haven’t forgotten.

They got us into this mess, and we are asking them to help get us out.

Add your name today to tell McKean and Cooke to undo their law to give Polis LIMITLESS EMERGENCY POWERS!

TAKE ACTION: Tell McKean & Cooke "Fix Your Mistake"

Don't Delay!

Sign today.

Action. Together.

When you sign a petition online with The Colorado Freedom Force, it will be converted into a physical petition and delivered to the Colorado Capitol on your behalf.

Once you’ve signed, please copy the petition link and share it on your social media.

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